1953 -> <- 1986 -> <- 2019
Yesterday was so stressed. A migration was scheduled at 9:30 AM. I went to office at 8:30 AM to get prepared. It went well. The day passed by digging with an API to know it’s internals. Left empty office at 10:30 PM with awful headaches. Reached home around 11:30 PM, took my dinner, watched an episode of DARK to get refreshed but it was a wrong choice in terms of complexity. Slept whole night, woke up at 11 AM today and found out that headaches still exists. It was like my head becoming bigger in size and someone squeezing it. Considering my headache going toward office is a suicidal decision. Sent an email to HR that I won’t join office today. And then again started DARK. As I said it was wrong choice like last night but I couldn’t help myself before finishing the whole season.

Now-a-days there are prerequisites to watch some movies and TV series. You need to know Physics, Chemistry, Math and Tech at least on a high level. Also need to keep a pencil and paper with you to solve puzzle and equations. Damn! hard days. I hate this modern world. I wish I were born in mid 19s. Less people, less pollution, less hypocrite, less idiots to deal with, less disturbance, peaceful, more greenish and more breathing space. Cursed by being born in this era.